1002 Out of memory. You may need to close some other applications to play this content.
1003 Invalid parameter. Unable to process request.
1004 You performed an unsupported operation.
1005 Not initialized.
1006 This clip contains unexpected data. It may be corrupt.
1007 Invalid file version number.
1008 Requested file not found. The link you followed may be outdated or inaccurate.
1009 Unknown data format.
1010 Invalid socket error.
1011 Connection to server could not be established. You may be experiencing network problems.
1012 An error occurred binding to network socket.
1013 An error occurred while creating a network socket.
1014 Unable to establish a connection with the server.
1015 Requested URL is not valid.
1016 An error occurred while reading data from the network.
1017 An error occurred while writing data to the network.
1018 Cannot receive UDP data packets. You may wish to try the TCP data option in Network Preferences. You may also want to configure firewall proxy settings in Proxy Preferences. Please contact your system administrator for more information.
1019 Connection to server has timed out. You may be experiencing network problems.
1020 Connection to server has been lost. You may be experiencing network problems.
1021 Unable to locate server. This server does not have a DNS entry. Please check the server name in the URL and try again.
1022 Cannot open the network drivers.
1024 This server is not using a recognized protocol.
1025 You need a newer version of this product to access the requested server. Please upgrade.
1026 Connection closed. The host's version of the RealNetworks server is too old for this client.
1027 File compression not supported. Cannot locate the requested decoder.
1028 The requested decoder is not valid.
1029 Decoder type mismatch. Cannot load the requested decoder.
1030 Requested decoder cannot be found or cannot be used on this machine.
1031 Decoder was not initialized before attempting to use it.
1032 Unable to decompress this content.
1033 Server alert.
1034 Proxy status error.
1035 Proxy invalid response error.
1037 Connection closed. The proxy is too old for this client.
1038 Cannot open the audio device. Another application may be using it.
1039 Invalid protocol specified in URL. URLs should typically start with "rtsp://", "pnm://", or "http://"
1040 Invalid option specified in URL.
1041 Invalid host string in requested URL.
1042 Invalid resource path string in requested URL.
1043 Cannot find winsock services. Please remove old Internet software from your system and try again.
1044 A minimum of 256 colors is required to properly display video. If you would like to enable video, please modify your display settings and restart.
1046 ClearVideo not supported in this OS.
1047 Microsoft DirectDraw (tm) and updated video drivers are required to view this content in full screen mode.
1049 You need a newer version of this product to access the requested proxy. Please upgrade.
1051 Upgrade site is not responding
1052 No response from the Domain Name Server. Please re-check your Internet connection and try again.
1053 Content not available by HTTP
1054 Could not connect to Server using HTTP
1055 Unsupported Internet Software. This product requires Internet software built for Windows 95/NT or later. Be sure you have the latest software from your Internet Service Provider.
1056 The User Name and Password entered are not valid. Would you like to try again?
1057 Video for Windows not supported by the OS.
1058 Requested server does not support PerfectPlay.
1059 PerfectPlay not supported for live streams.
1060 Access Denied
1061 PerfectPlay not allowed on this clip.
1063 An error occurred accessing a multicast session.
1064 An error occurred attempting to join multicast session.
1065 Cannot receive audio data from this multicast session. You may wish to try the TCP data option in the Network Preferences. Please contact your system administrator for more information.
1066 No codecs have been installed on your system.
1067 Your CPU is unable to decode this content in real time. Try closing other applications, or setting your bandwidth preference lower to receive less complex content.
1068 Invalid hostname for HTTP proxy.
1069 Invalid Metafile
1072 Bad Transport
1073 The file contains an unsupported video format. The needed codec is not installed on your system.
1074 The file contains an unsupported audio format. The needed codec is not installed on your system.
1075 Some components are not available to provide playback of this presentation on your system.
1076 Unable to connect to server. Check network transport settings or run auto-configure.
1077 You cannot receive this content. You do not have enough network bandwidth.
1078 Unable to locate proxy server. This proxy server does not have a DNS entry. Please check the proxy server name and try again
1079 Connection to proxy server could not be established. You may be experiencing network problems.
1080 No clip is available.
1081 The provider of this content has not granted permission to view the source.
1082 Your rights to view this content have expired.
1083 None of the installed Digital Rights Managers support viewing rights.
1084 Viewing time for this playback has expired. Check for more plays in View Content Rights.
1085 Server has denied your restore request.
1086 Please quit any debuggers before attempting to play secure content.
1087 Connection to restoration server could not be established. You may be experiencing network problems.
1088 Connection to restoration server has timed out. You may be experiencing network problems.
1089 Connection to revocation server to get the updated revocation list could not be established. You may be experiencing network problems. Playback cannot continue until a connection is established.
1090 Connection to revocation server to get the updated revocation list has timed out. You may be experiencing network problems. Playback cannot continue until a connection is established.
1091 Your rights have been restored successfully.
1092 Your rights have been backed up successfully.
1093 This application is not certified to play secure content.
1094 The backup file is invalid.
1095 Select More Info to learn about viewing clip source.
1096 Select More Info to learn about viewing clip source.
1097 Play some secure content to upgrade to a secure DRM.
1098 An error occurred with the video subsystem. Click More Info for possible solutions to the problem. Playback may continue with decreased performance.
1099 The playback is aborted by the server.
1200 Contacting
2000 SMIL: A general error has occurred near line %d: %s
2001 SMIL: XML parser error near line %d: %s
2002 SMIL: No <smil> tag found
2003 SMIL: Duplicate ID near line %d: %s
2004 SMIL: Reference to non-existent ID near line %d: %s
2005 SMIL: No <body> tag found
2006 SMIL: No sources in <body>
2007 SMIL: Unrecognized tag near line %d: %s
2008 SMIL: Unrecognized attribute near line %d: %s
2009 SMIL: Unexpected tag near line %d: %s
2010 SMIL: Bad duration expression near line %d: %s
2011 SMIL: Bad attribute near line %d: %s
2012 SMIL: Bad fragment near line %d: %s
2013 SMIL: Required attribute missing near line %d: %s
2014 SMIL: Sync attribute out of scope near line %d: %s
2015 SMIL: Unexpected content near line %d: %s
2016 SMIL: SMIL 1.0 document, non SMIL 1.0 content illegal
2017 SMIL: 'indefinite' attribute not supported
2018 SMIL: a SMIL file cannot be used as a media source
2020 SMIL: badly formed id near line %d: %s
2021 SMIL: no sources near line %d: %s
4000 RealPix: This server is NOT licensed to deliver RealPix streams.
4001 RealPix: Image file has unrecognized extension: %s
4002 RealPix: No codec available to process %s
4003 RealPix: Image file %s does not exist.
4004 RealPix: No <imfl> tag present - this might not be a RealPix file.
4005 RealPix: No </imfl> tag present.
4006 RealPix: Missing XML tag end in %s
4007 RealPix: Title attribute present in head tag but NULL value.
4008 RealPix: Author attribute present in head tag but NULL value.
4009 RealPix: Copyright attribute present in head tag but NULL value.
4010 RealPix: Version attribute present in head tag but NULL value.
4011 RealPix: Unrecognized time format specifier: %s
4012 RealPix: Invalid start time formatting in <head> tag.
4013 RealPix: Invalid preroll time formatting in <head> tag.
4014 RealPix: URL attribute present in head tag but NULL value.
4015 RealPix: URL attribute in <head> contains only whitespace.
4016 RealPix: Invalid duration time formatting in <head> tag.
4017 RealPix: Zero duration in head tag.
4018 RealPix: Missing bitrate attribute in head tag.
4019 RealPix: Bitrate cannot be less than or equal to zero.
4020 RealPix: Missing width attribute in head tag.
4021 RealPix: Missing height attribute in head tag.
4022 RealPix: Unknown tag: %s
4023 RealPix: Invalid or missing head tag.
4024 RealPix: No effects found.
4025 RealPix: Duration attribute missing and no valid effects.
4026 RealPix: Unexpected error.
4027 RealPix: Missing handle attribute in %s
4028 RealPix: Handle must be greater than zero in %s
4029 RealPix: Missing name attribute in %s
4030 RealPix: Name attribute present, but NULL value in %s
4031 RealPix: Missing attribute or formatting error in %s
4200 GIF: Bad URL-encoded bitrate.
4201 GIF: Bad URL-encoded duration.
4202 GIF: Bad URL-encoded preroll.
4203 GIF: Bad URL-encoded url.
4204 GIF: Bad URL-encoded target.
4205 GIF: Bad URL-encoded background color.
4206 GIF: Bad URL-encoded reliable flag.
4207 GIF: URL-encoded bitrate is zero.
4208 GIF: URL-encoded target must either be _player or _browser
4209 GIF: Illegal time formatting in URL-encoded seek time.
4210 GIF: Unknown player command in URL-encoded url attribute.
4211 GIF: Cannot target browser with a player command.
4400 JPEG: Bad URL-encoded bitrate.
4401 JPEG: Illegal time formatting in URL-encoded preroll.
4402 JPEG: Illegal time formatting in URL-encoded duration.
4403 JPEG: Illegal time formatting in URL-encoded display time.
4404 JPEG: Bad URL-encoded url.
4405 JPEG: Bad URL-encoded target.
4406 JPEG: Bad URL-encoded reliable flag.
4407 JPEG: URL-encoded bitrate is zero.
4408 JPEG: URL-encoded duration is zero.
4409 JPEG: URL-encoded display time is greater than duration.
4410 JPEG: URL-encoded target must either be _player or _browser.
4411 JPEG: Illegal time formatting in URL-encoded seek time.
4412 JPEG: Unknown player command in url URL encoding.
4413 JPEG: Cannot target browser with a player command.
4414 JPEG: Progressive JPEGs are not supported.
5000 RealText: This server is NOT licensed to deliver RealText streams.
5001 RealText: General Error.
6000 Flash Commands
6001 Zoom In
6002 Zoom Out
6003 100%
6004 Show All
6005 High Quality
6006 About Macromedia Flash...
7000 QuickTime: The source file contains an unsupported compressed video format.
7001 QuickTime: The source file contains an unsupported compressed audio format.
7002 QuickTime: Unrecognized video format. File may contain an unsupported version.
7003 QuickTime: Unexpected error while reading file.
7004 QuickTime: General Error.
7005 QuickTime: This Server is not licensed to stream QuickTime.
7006 MPEG4: This Server is not licensed to stream MPEG4.
7500 Scalable Multicast: General Error.
7501 Scalable Multicast: Initialization failed.
7502 Scalable Multicast: Could not create multicast socket: Address/Port %s.
7600 Scalable Multicast: Successfully started session: %s.
7601 Scalable Multicast: This server is NOT licensed to deliver Scalable Multicast streams.
7602 Scalable Multicast: Could not find Source List in the configuration file.
7605 Scalable Multicast: Could not find MountPoint configuration variable.
7606 Scalable Multicast: Invalid HostAddress. Using 0 as default.
7607 Scalable Multicast: Could not find AddressRange configuration variable.
7608 Scalable Multicast: Could not find PortRange configuration variable.
7609 Scalable Multicast: Address range needs to be aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd-www.xxx.yyy.zzz.
7610 Scalable Multicast: Port range needs to be aaaa-zzzz.
7611 Scalable Multicast: Invalid port range.
7612 Scalable Multicast: Invalid address range.
7613 Scalable Multicast: Error in creating this session: %s. Please increase the address range configuration variable.
7614 Scalable Multicast: Error in creating this session: %s. Please increase the port range configuration variable.
7615 Scalable Multicast: Need at least two ports in the PortRange configuration variable; RTP(even port) & RTCP(odd port).
7617 Scalable Multicast: %s is not enabled.
7618 Scalable Multicast: Initialization of SAP failed. SAP disabled.
7619 Scalable Multicast: All SAP packets will have TTL of 0.
7620 Scalable Multicast: Could not find WebServerAddress configuration variable.
7621 Scalable Multicast: Could not find WebServerPort configuration variable.
7622 Scalable Multicast: Your player is not configured to play multicast content.
7700 Scalable Multicast: Stream number %s terminated abnormally.
7701 Scalable Multicast: No data has been received. This session may have ended or may not be reachable.
7702 Scalable Multicast: Could not find a session description plugin.
7703 Scalable Multicast: Could not interpret the session description file.
7704 Scalable Multicast: Cannot play this type of document.
7705 Scalable Multicast: Could not find the RTP payload information in the session description file.
7706 Scalable Multicast: Could not find the connection information in the session description file.
7707 Scalable Multicast: Could not find the port information in the session description file.
7708 Scalable Multicast: Unexpected payload type specified in session description file.
7709 Scalable Multicast: You cannot receive this content. You do not have enough network bandwidth.
8000 XML: Unknown error near line %d: %s
8001 XML: Bad end tag near line %d: %s
8002 XML: No close near line %d: %s
8003 XML: Bad attribute near line %d: %s
8004 XML: No value near line %d: %s
8005 XML: Missing quote near line %d: %s
8006 XML: No tag type near line %d: %s
8007 XML: Illegal id near line %d: %s
8008 XML: Duplicate attribute near line %d: %s
8009 XML: Comment precedes processing instruction before line %d: %s
8011 XML: Syntax error near line %d: %s
8012 XML: No element found near line %d: %s
8014 XML: Unclosed token near line %d: %s
8015 XML: Unclosed token near line %d: %s
8016 XML: Mismatched tag near line %d: %s
8018 XML: Junk after document element near line %d: %s
8019 XML: Illegal parameter entity reference near line %d: %s
8020 XML: Undefined entity near line %d: %s
8021 XML: Recursive entity reference near line %d: %s
8022 XML: Asynchronous entity near line %d: %s
8023 XML: Reference to invalid character number near line %d: %s
8024 XML: Reference to binary entity near line %d: %s
8025 XML: Reference to external entity in attribute near line %d: %s
8026 XML: Xml processing instruction not at start of external entity near line %d: %s
8027 XML: Unknown encoding near line %d: %s
8028 XML: Encoding specified in xml declaration is incorrect near line %d: %s
8029 XML: Unclosed CDATA section near line %d: %s
8030 XML: Error in processing external entity reference near line %d: %s
8031 XML: Document is not standalone near line %d: %s
8100 XML: Name is invalid near line %d: %s
8101 XML: Character not allowed in doc near line %d: %s
8102 XML: Comments can not have '--' in them near line %d: %s
8103 XML: Invalid document type declaration syntax near line %d: %s
8104 XML: Invalid processing instructions syntax near line %d: %s
8105 XML: XML processing instruction target must be lower case near line %d: %s
8106 XML: Error in CDATA near line %d: %s
8107 XML: End tag requires a closing > near line %d: %s
8108 XML: Invalid hexadecimal character reference near line %d: %s
8109 XML: Invalid character reference near line %d: %s
8110 XML: Invalid entity reference near line %d: %s (try changing '&' to '&')
8111 XML: Attribute names must be followed by an equal sign near line %d: %s
8113 XML: Attribute values must be followed by a whitespace near line %d: %s
8114 XML: The < character must be escaped in an attribute value near line %d: %s
8115 XML: / character must be followed by > to end empty element near line %d: %s
8116 XML: Content can not have the ']]>' string in it near line %d: %s
8117 XML: Invalid beginning of comment near line %d: %s
9001 Please download a new RealPlayer from http://www.real.com to receive this content.
9003 You cannot receive this content. Either your network bandwidth is not fast enough to receive this data or your CPU is not powerful enough to decode it.
9008 This server is not configured to play local streams.
9009 This server has reached its capacity for the requested url.
9010 This server is not configured to play remote streams.
9012 This server is not configured to play event streams.
9013 Invalid server host specified in the URL.
9014 You need to obtain a new player to play this clip. Please point your web browser to http://www.real.com/ and download the latest player from RealNetworks. Once you have installed it you should try this clip again.
9015 That stream is not available with the requested codec and/or bandwidth
9016 Unable to fulfill request
9017 This server is configured to support only multicast connections. Please contact the content provider for more information on listening to this broadcast.
9018 Server has reached its capacity and can serve no more streams. Please try again later.
9019 Server does not have the license for the requested streams. Please try again later.
9020 To receive this stream: choose Preferences from the View menu, click on the Network tab, click on the check next to Loss Correction to turn it off, and then requeset this URL again.
9021 You have connected to a RealServer that only supports players newer than the one you are using. Please check on the Web Site you accessed this clip from for details on what players are supported. To download the latest RealPlayer, point your Web Browser to http://www.real.com
9022 This server is not configured to play RealVideo streams.
9023 This server is not configured to play RealAudio streams.
9024 This server is not configured to play the data type you requested. Please contact the Real Server Administrator for assistance.
9025 This server is not licensed to play one or more of the data types you requested. Please contact the Real Server Administrator for assistance.
9026 You do not have access to the requested URL.
9027 The URL you have requested is initializing. Please try again in a few moments.
9028 You need to obtain a new player to play this clip. Please point your web browser to http://www.real.com and download the latest RealPlayer from RealNetworks. Once you have installed it you should try this clip again.
9029 The content you requested is available exclusively to subscribers. Please point your web browser to http://www.real.com/ for upgrade information.
9030 This server is not licensed to play content to embedded players. Please contact the RealServer Administrator for assistance.
9031 The file you requested cannot be streamed using the PNM protocol. Please make sure you have downloaded the latest RealPlayer from http://www.real.com and try this clip again using rtsp:// instead of pnm:// in the URL.
9032 You need to obtain a new RealPlayer to play this clip. Please point your web browser to http://www.real.com/ and download the latest RealPlayer from RealNetworks. Once you have installed it you should try this clip again.
9033 RealPlayer is unable to access this clip with the specified username and password. Please contact the Site Administrator for assistance.
9034 Access to secure content denied.
9035 Registration failed, your account cannot be modified at this time.
9036 Registration failed, there already exists a user with the same GUID.
9037 Registration failed, the specified user does not exist.
9038 You have successfully registered your RealPlayer.
9039 Registration failed, contact your content provider for assistance.
9040 You must enable GUIDs in your player preferences. For more info on GUIDs and privacy, please search RealNetworks' website.
9041 You must register your RealPlayer before viewing this content. Please contact your content provider for assistance.
9042 Your account has expired, contact your content provider for more information.
9043 Your account has expired, contact your content provider for more information.
9044 Your account has been locked, contact your content provider for more information.
9045 This commerce server has been configured incorrectly, and is unable to serve secure content. Please contact the Site Administrator for assistance.
9046 This server does not support mobile download.
9047 File not found
9048 A proxy has exceeded its maximum number of connections. Please try again later.
9049 A proxy has exceeded its maximum gateway bandwidth. Please try again later.
9050 A proxy has exceeded its maximum bandwidth. Please try again later.
9051 You have entered an incorrect load test password or load testing is not enabled.
9052 PNA protocol not supported by this server.
9053 Proxy to origin server connection lost
9200 Unable to play request. Internal stream error.